Wednesday, October 18, 2006

post mortem.

i just realised how erm wierd i sound when i am in the process of freakking about something (dark crusade anyone?) and at the same time feeling rather ill and near destroyed by whatever pestilence lurking in air (the thing growing inside me suddenly stopped growing). needless to say, it all depended on how i set my priorities. like sleeping early so i wont be so zombie at school or staying awake for a few extra hours playing dc. wells. yesterday, i chose the latter. today maybe not considering i've got chem mock spa and pw dry run.

ohwell. how was promos maybe? it was cool. did better that cts. in fact, it spells out the first part of abbadon's name. if you dont know who abbadon is, its okae cos its from wh40k. haha.

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